The new 21cVA technique improves the vein access procedure for you, your patient, and your institution.
If you are a...
- Nurse or Paramedic starting an IV,
- an X-Ray Tech injecting contrast,
- a Phlebotomist / MLT / MA / Paramedic / Nurse drawing blood,
- a Blood Donation Tech collecting cells or plasma,
- a Physician ordering diagnostics and treatments,or
- an Administrator or Manager responsible for cost containment, risk management, and patient satisfaction
The tools used to access veins have evolved over time, but the technique has not. The healthcare industry's use of 19th Century technique keeps the whole process where it's at.
And, where's that?
It's time for the vein access procedure to advance into the 21st Century. Vein Access Technologies has taken that evolutionary step using evidence-based science to raise the standards of care in vein access. It's time for the new 21cVA technique - it works.
1997-2015 copyright - Vein Access Technologies, a division of The Nurses' Station, PC
Content and images on this site may not be reproduced without written authorization from VAT.